Wednesday, January 5

Theme Songs

I feel a little rejected whenever Ms. Serensky starts up the blog talk with music from her ipod. Before break, providing Bobbie's Blog Banter with catchy tunes was kind of my job, and over break I worked really hard compiling some new songs. I was getting quite good; sometimes I would trick people into thinking the nightly news was on with my fabulous news music imitation. But alas, it seems my efforts were for nothing since I have been replaced by a machine. :'(
Neil Diamond, Ms. Serensky's teenage dream

But instead of moping, I shall try to analyze Bobbie Jo's song choices. Monday her pick was "Hello Again" by Neil Diamond. This song makes a lot of sense, since we had been on a two week hiatus and not seen our dear teacher during that time. Unlike many of the love songs out today, this song celebrates the joy in seeing an old friend again. The lyrics "I couldn't sleep at all tonight" reveals Ms. Serensky's anticipation at seeing her student's faces again. Or it reveals her deep hatred for us all and her dread of coming to school in the morning. Or it could be alluding to her troublesome back pain that kept her up all night. Clearly, this song is open to multiple interpretations. On Tuesday we started the banter with Michael Jackson's "Thriller." Everyone is familiar to this classic, and this creepy song could simply be paying homage to the creepy movie that we were about to watch. But upon further inspection of the lyrics, Ms. Serensky's clever choice foreshadows the twist ending in Shutter Island. The lyrics "You close your eyes and hope this is just your imagination" is Ms. Serensky's clever way of hinting at Teddy Daniel's mental disorder and the fact his "imagination" created the characters Rachel and Andrew. Although we did not actually get to that part of the song in the short 30 seconds we listened to "Thriller," I believe Ms. Serensky used this as a test to see who her most dedicated students are who took the time to look up the song lyrics. The prize? Spoiler to Shutter Island, of course! Unfortunately I did not catch the name of the song Ms. Serensky played today... perhaps she kept it intentionally hidden because the song lyrics hold the key to a 9 on our next in-class writing. 

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