Monday, April 18

Fave Dayzzz

My prom date.
This is a difficult task, choosing my favorite day from AP English. Sure, there have been some days of AP English that I have absolutely hated. For instance, pretty much every in-class writing falls under this category. Thankfully, Jillian is always there to comfort me in my times of deep despair with her soothing words: "Do not weep, do not weep" (Shakespeare 4.2.123). As for my favorite day in AP English, I cannot say. No one day stands out in my mind as being particularly mind-blowingly awesome, since the AP English experience is really the conglomerated mess of all the good and the bad, and "the difference between positive and negative sensations...become irrelevant" (Currie 222). Certain moments, more than days, have become my favorite memories of AP English. There was the moment during a poetry discussion that I realized that I had grasped the meaning of the poem after all, and was not going to bomb as I had expected; or the time we watched Shutter Island and Leo was revealed to be insane all along; when we switched up seats for fourth quarter and I ended up sitting next to the Most Popular Boy in Class (oh, and Dom, too, I guess...); winning the multiple choice game every quarter, since"I am never wrong"; having Ms. Serensky harass me for my cat pictures (although they are clearly a tribute to Mr. Maas); watching Chase destroy the baby/piƱata; and of course, seeing teenage Moushumi in all her glory in The Namesake (Wilde 10). So what becomes of my favorite day in AP English? I'm going to say that it hasn't happened yet.

1 comment:

  1. Mariel, I really liked your post and I thought it was very funny. I agree that it is hard to choose just one favorite moment in class. We have had so many funny times together they all begin to pile up and become relatively hard to disect. I could have wrote about so many different things, like the time Jimmy stripped in class or the day we had an awkward 10 minutes of silence during a lock down. This post makes me feel very optimistic about the fun times we still have ahead of us in the last stretch of our high school careers.
