Saturday, May 14

Final Blog

(I drew this)
Guys, I have really enjoyed spending the last two years with you. This won't be strictly a goodbye blog, since I know I'll see all of you again, in some way or another. Instead, I'd hope to communicate how grateful I am that I was able to be a part of this amazing high school experience with you for my junior and senior year. As you know, I moved here junior year and I have to say I wasn't happy about it at all. I missed my old school, all my old friends, and was very worried about adjusting to Chagrin. However, I realized on our last day that I've learned to truly love living in Chagrin. First off, the teachers are amazing. I'll miss them so much. All the teachers I've had this year have been incredible influences on my education, and I am so thankful. Teachers like Ms. Serensky have the ability to bring a group of seemingly unalike students together. AP English has been a great way to create friendship, ones that I sincerely hope will last through college. I'm really going to miss you guys next year, and I wish you all the best of luck at college!

Monday, May 9

Farewell Haikus

No more Data Sheets!
But will I ever miss them?
My answer: No way.

From little juniors
To superior seniors

We learned how to read
We learned how to annotate
Could we go back now?

Ah, the blogs, the blogs
They are both a joy and chore
A Work in Progress

We read six novels
Practiced countless pre-writings
For only one test.

Oh, AP English
Here today, gone tomorrow
I will miss it so.

Thursday, May 5

Top 10 Reasons

10. You have the opportunity to win at the multiple choice game.

9. There's a possibility of Harry Potter stickers on A papers. But any sticker is nice.

8. You have the chance to form a lasting bond with your writing partner. Or not, if your partner is a jerk. But even if he is, you get a new one every quarter!

7. Candy prizes.

6. By the end of it, writing a full essay in 40 minutes will be no big deal.

5. It's one AP exam you're sure to pass.

4. If you're lucky Ms. Serensky will give in to her Leo obsession and you'll get to enjoy her weakness in the form of a movie!

3. Hopefully by the end, you will form a bond that resembles... kinship? Or at least, it's not complete fear, with Ms. Serensky, officially the most intimidating woman in the school.

2. That awesome feeling of camaraderie that you share with your fellow scholars as you leave the AP exam in triumph.

1. Smartness in general increases dramatically. As well as public speaking skills, writing speed, emotional toughness..

Take the class. You know you want to.
By the end of AP English, you too can be a very smart cat.

Monday, May 2

Unsettling Observations

Clown: "She is stirring, sir" (Shakespeare 3.1.28).

Miss Prism: "I have been waiting...for an hour and three-quarters" (Wilde 51).

John Sr.: "There's a lot to worry about there, and [she] doesn't seem to notice" (Currie 41).

Miss Prism: "Do not speak slightingly of [her] three-volume novel...I wrote one myself in earlier times" (Wilde 22).

John Sr.: "I think...that it comes with it's own set of problems" (Currie 155).

Miss Prism: "The good ended happily, and the bad unhappily. That is what Fiction means" (Wilde 22).

Clown: "O, thereby hangs a tale" (Shakespeare 3.1.8).

John Sr.: "Maybe [she] should talk about the other things first" (Currie 156).

Miss Prism: "That depends on the intellectual sympathies of the woman" (Wilde 26).

John Sr.: "I think we're wasting [our] time" (Currie 78).

Clown: "Go, vanish into air, away!" (Shakespeare 3.1.20).

John Sr.: "I can break your weasel neck" (Currie 79).

Miss Prism: "What a lesson for him! I trust he will profit by it" (Wilde 26).

John Sr.: "If [she] thinks this is the end of it, [she's] wrong" (Currie 45).

Miss Prism: "Especially at the moment when intellectual pleasures await" (Wilde 21).

John Sr.: "Let's not get ahead of ourselves" (Currie 77).